Monday, April 18, 2016

Tap Dancing Performance

This weekend (Saturday 6pm Memorial Hall) I went to Chapman's tap dancing performance. The performance was for non dance majors and I went to support a good friend of mine. Along with Chapman's students, a group of dancers from Compton came and performed. The premise of the show was the explain how tap dancing came about. It originated from African tribal dancing and Irish dancing. Between each song, a student would come to the stage and explain the progression of tap dancing.

I think that there was a very literary link to tap dancing. The flow and rhythm of the dance is very similar to the rhythms found in poetry. I decided to look up poems about tap dancing and came across a few that I enjoy.

Gerry Legister:
An airy tune play flavors we adore
Generate the breathe of vibrant sound, 
Tap politely crescendo shoes on the floor
Dance stance move lightly off the ground.

Into this movement of swing and speed, 
Trapped charm in space by metallic plates, 
The choreography steps and style succeed, 
To shuffle the dances combination creates.

Unique blend for either student or enjoyment
Evoke rhythm flames with creative elements
Known and shown where originality meant, 
Entertainment display enthuse the movements.

By arts the intent of skill is given for learning, 
Magical poetry found in the thrill of dancing. 

Tap Dancing Rain: Stu Harley
can you
hear the
sound of 
sweet rain
tap dancing
to the tune
i'm singing in
the rain
upon the
cobblestone streets of

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